
Important Safety Tips For International Jet Travel

Important Safety Tips For International Jet Travel - Sun Air Jets

There are risks anywhere you go. Whether in your neighborhood or thousands of miles away in an unfamiliar country, you risk becoming a crime victim. If you’ve got anything of value, there is always someone out there who wants it. And they may be willing to take the chance to try and get it. Because of this, it’s important to listen to all safety tips at your disposal.

Important International Safety Tips

It is one thing when a purse snatching, for instance, happens when you are a few blocks from home. It’s an entirely different scenario when you are worlds away. 

Ready for some good news? You are here – which means you will learn some important safety tips for international jet travel. That way, the next time you head out on an adventure, you will be more prepared to fly safely

Don’t Draw Attention

You want to spend more time blending in in a different country than standing out. Don’t look like a tourist, act like a tourist, or draw unwanted attention to yourself. You may be stunning and, naturally, get attention when you walk into a room. You may not look like anyone in the country you are visiting, so it may be hard to blend in. And that’s ok. 

But don’t head out for a night on the town wearing some expensive-looking jewelry – even if it is a knockoff. Being flashy like this makes you a target. Don’t walk the streets looking at the map; never make it noticeable that you are lost. 

Mind Your Money

Only carry some cash with you – and keep large amounts of money on you all at once. Imagine doing so and getting mugged when you least expect it. All your money would be gone – and you would be stuck. Never, ever carry all forms of cash with you at the same time or keep it all in the same place, such as in a wallet. Spread it around so you always have a backup in an emergency. 

Notify your bank of your travel plans before you leave the country, so you don’t get flagged for fraud. Bring your bank card to use in the ATM to get cash when you need it. Or, consider using a credit card or two for your trip to stay safe – and then pay it off when you get back home. 

If cash is your thing and you cannot leave home without it, leave it in a locked safe at your hotel and only take what you need for the day. 

Familiarize Yourself with Local Emergency Services

You know to call 911 when you are stateside, but who do you call in another country? If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to call for help in an emergency, you need to know how to do that. After all, you may need more time to figure it out. 

Keep contact information for your local embassy handy, too.  

Digitize Important Documents

You always want to be in another country and retain your passport or another form of identification. This valuable information could lead to a lot of headaches if it gets stolen. Make your life easier by having a digital copy of all your important documents. And better yet – make sure someone back home has a copy, too. That way, should something happen to you or should something happen to the device that houses the digital copy, you will still have access to it. 

Keep these documents in a password-protected folder on your laptop or phone so that they cannot be accessed if your device is stolen.

Leave Information With a Trusted Friend

Before you head out, make sure someone you trust in the U.S. knows where you will be and when. Give them a copy of your itinerary and all information concerning your trip, where you will stay, and so forth. 

This person could be the same one to hold onto the copies of your important documents, too. 

Make a plan for checking in and stick to it, such as every morning or every evening. That way, should the unthinkable happen, someone knows everything and can get in touch with the proper authorities. 

Safety Tips: Drink Responsibly

When you are on vacation, it is natural to want to go out and have a good time – especially in a city with great nightlife. But mind your drinks while you are out, never letting them out of your sight. And also, watch how many drinks you consume. 

When it appears you have had too much, your risk of being a victim of theft – or something worse – increases significantly. Not to mention, you may easily get lost trying to get back to your hotel. 

That extra drink is just not worth the risk. 

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

When visiting a new place, getting caught up in everything around you is so easy that you overlook something potentially dangerous. For instance, sightseeing throws you into the I-am-a-tourist-look-at-me increased risk category. But when you get so distracted that you stop paying attention, look out. 

Local criminals know where to find distracted tourists and how to take advantage of them. When you go out exploring, do so with the awareness that they will lurk in the background. Sounds sketchy, sure, but it is a thought that may help you to remember to stay alert. Make sure to look up dangerous countries and plan your trip accordingly.

Fly Private With These Safety Tips

International travel on a private jet can be enriching and will likely leave you with many lifelong memories. But to ensure they are good memories, research your destination, always be aware of your surroundings, take extra precautions, and be sure someone back home always knows where you are – and check in with them regularly. 

Happy travels!

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